Dr. Zi is a medical licensed naturopathic doctor in the state of California, also a naturopathic physician in the state of Washington. He is dedicated to providing naturopathic medical care and natural remedies to the public.
Currently practicing in CA, Dr. Zi specializes in digestive health and nutrition, autoimmune conditions, vitamins and nutrients injection, IV nutrients therapy, bio-identical hormones replacement therapy, and integrative oncology/cancer care.
Dr. Zi enjoys helping his patients establish the foundations of health, undersatnd current standard care, or conventional medical management if they have already been on. But more importantly, Dr. Zi would use a variety of natural remedies to promote optimal health.
Before practicing medicine in the United States, Dr. Zi obtained his Bachelor of Science Degree and interned at Sun Yet-sun Memorial Hospital as a physical therapist in Guangzhou, Southeast China.
His previous experience included taking care of patients with individualized physical and physiological therapies. His former patients were people after acute stroke, spinal injury, or sports injuries event, with chronic pains, or autism spectrum disorder.
About Zixiang Cheng, ND
- Licensed Naturopathic Doctor in California
- Licensed Naturopathic Physician in Washington
- Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine - Bastyr University
- Bachelor of Science Sport Rehabilitation and Health - Guangzhou Sport University